Our Mission
Our Mission: Growing Christ’s community by loving, serving, and feeding all people: Soul, Mind, and Body
All Saints is a welcoming, open, and inclusive community that comes together for love, support, strength, and renewal. We celebrate the Gospel of Jesus and reach out to all of God’s children.
All Saints Episcopal Church is the largest Episcopal church in the Diocese of Nebraska. Our roots can be traced back nearly 140 years, with our doors first opening in 1885. An interesting book about the history of All Saints is now available in our gift shop, Pomegranate.
When we worship, we gather with others before God. We hear the Good News of Jesus Christ, give thanks, confess, and offer the brokenness of the world to God. As we break bread, our eyes are opened to the presence of Christ. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we are made one body, the body of Christ sent forth to live the Way of Love.
Reason is one of the three sources of authority in our theology, along with scripture and tradition. God gives us reason to help interpret scripture and tradition, and reason is in turn corrected and enlarged by them. Reason is considered to be more than calculation and logic, and it draws upon the entirety of human understanding and experience.
The value of the human body is stressed, not denied, in our theology. The incarnation of Jesus – the belief God became human, experiencing and sanctifying human life – means that human embodiment in this world is important. We are to care for our bodies and for each other as living temples of God.
We’re searching for our new Rector.
All Saints Episcopal is searching for a new Rector. To complement the call, we have developed a Parish Profile.
We encourage all to read it and look forward to meeting candidates.
Our Clergy & Staff
The Rev. Dr. Darrel Proffitt
Interim Rector
The Rev. Karen Watson
Ministerial Pastor
Search In Progress
Director of Music
Bryan Peterson
Cassie Arneson
Finance Director
Connie Sisson
Office & Facilities Manager
Craig O’ Connor
Jr. Warden
Dan Edwards
Sr. Warden
Jill Jozwiak
Director of Formation
John Bush
Steve Goebel

Mark Fredrickson
Roy Phillips
Our Vestry
The vestry is the governing body of the parish in the Episcopal Church.
Vestry members are elected at the annual parish meeting. The presiding officer of the vestry is the rector. In addition, most parishes have two wardens, both lay members of the congregation. As the key lay representative, the Senior Warden works directly with the rector in managing all areas of parish affairs. The Junior Warden is the Senior Warden’s deputy and often has responsibility for church property and buildings.
The basic responsibilities of the vestry are to help define and articulate the mission of the congregation, to support the church’s mission by word and deed, to select the rector, to ensure effective organization and planning, and to manage resources and finances.
All Saints Vestry meets on the third Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the Library.
Craig O’Connor
Dan Edwards
Senior Warden
Charlie Liakos
Kenley Williams
Mollie Sultenfuss
Noah Zetocha
Jay Hammond
Lana Salberg-Schwickerath
J.T. Watson
Laurel Whelan
Get Involved
Exploring our faith and relationship with God takes many forms. When we come together in community, we deepen that relationship. In addition to offering support for our congregants, we have many ways for you to get involved, too.
Peruse this list and contact us to learn more.
Lectors (Lay Readers)
Read at worship from the assigned Bible passages and offer the prayers of the people. This lay ministry is active during the Saturday and Sunday services.
Greeters and Ushers
Hand out bulletins, welcome and assist visitors, and help collect the offering. Count attendance and help clean up the pews after the service. This lay ministry is active during the Saturday and Sunday services.
Altar Guild
Care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens. This is a special ministry with the responsibility and privilege of tending to the beauty, peace, and tranquility of worship. Contact us if you’d like to offer name, talent and spirit to this important ministry.
Community Picnic Host
Coordinate our warm-weather community picnics. This is a great way to spend time with fellow parishioners while enjoying the bounty of our community garden.
Lay Weeders
Help maintain our pathways, gardens and other spaces all year long. With more than 13 acres of land, there is a lot to maintain, and help is always welcome to keep our campus looking beautiful, yielding food, and offering beautiful recreation and meditation space.
Community Garden
Garden boxes are available for you to grow fresh produce for your personal use and local food pantries. Box use costs $40 for a year. Current owners have the first right to renew each year, and any extra boxes will be available for rent after that. There are also currently four Community Boxes that are maintained by the group and the produce these boxes yield goes to local community and food pantry guests. If you’re interested in renting a box and/or helping with the community boxes, contact us.
The Pantry on Blondo Hosts
Help restock the pantry from our supplies, sort new clothes, and assist the 20+ guests who come on Monday and Wednesday mornings to select needed food and clothing.
Mobile Food Pantry Hosts & Volunteers
Help set up and tear down our monthly (last Saturday of the month) mobile food pantry events. Welcome guests as they select needed food. We regularly serve about 150 families with food provided by Food Bank for the Heartland. All ages are welcome to volunteer at these events.
Prayer Warriors
Receive prayer requests and include the requested intercession in your own daily devotion. This group is committed to lifting up the All Saints members and beyond in prayer, taking its name from Paul’s exhortation in Ephesians 6, “Therefore put on the full armor of God. Stand firm then, with the belt of trust buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. With this in mind, be alert and aways keep on praying for all the lord’s people.”
United Thank Offering
This is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Individuals are invited to embrace and deepen a personal daily spiritual discipline of gratitude. This offering further encourages people to notice the good things that happen each day, give thanks to God for these blessings, and make an offering for each blessing using a United Thank Offering blue box.
Grateful Threads
Members of this group knit or crochet prayer shawls, lap throws, caps, mittens, and other items to provide warmth for those around us in need. We make bags for Magdalene House, hats for the Salvation Army Night Watch Program, prayer shawls, hats and scarves for the DUET residents, car and baby blankets for the Pantry on Blondo, sleeping mats made of plarn (plastic bags made into strips and crocheted) for the homeless.
Become a vital part of our church.
Join our community as a layperson or a volunteer.
Our Campus & Facilities
Our beautiful building and campus offer lovely, reflective, and inspiring spaces for our myriad programs as well as weddings, funerals, meetings, retreats, and reunions. The main church comfortably accommodates 600 people. Our Chapel is a more intimate space for 70 people. Our Library seats up to 15 for study and meetings, and our Undercroft with a catering kitchen accommodates up to 200 for receptions and events.
We also have a Retreat Center with full kitchen that provides a warm and cozy setting for up to 50 people and sleeping rooms for 20.
Our campus includes meditation and prayer pathways, our labyrinth, greenspace, gardens, a playground and picnic tables.
Members and non-members are welcome to reserve space in our building and campus. Inquire to learn more about accommodations, fees and details per space.
Our Campus Accommodations
The 13-acre campus at All Saints is an oasis in the middle of the city that includes open green space, quiet garden pathways and flower beds, a playground, picnic tables, outdoor Stations of the Cross, and a Labyrinth. Whether you’re looking for a place for meditation, exercise, or relaxation with your family, our campus offers this and more.
A labyrinth is a path which leads to the center of an intricate design and back out again. Unlike a maze, a labyrinth has only one path, and it is impossible to get lost. A prayer labyrinth is used to facilitate prayer, meditation, and spiritual transformation. The most famous prayer labyrinths today include an ancient one in the cathedral of Chartres, France, and two at Grace Episcopal Cathedral in San Francisco.
Elder Garden
The pollinator garden at the church entrance surrounds the bronze statue of one of the Elders from chapter four of the Book of Revelation. The twenty-four Elders surround the Throne of God and sing, “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being!” The Elder Garden is maintained by our Lay Weeders.
Greenspace and Picnic Areas
There are several picnic tables scattered throughout our 13-acre campus, and plenty of both sunny and shady greenspace. Kids and pets are always welcome.
Our playground, built in honor of Kimball Lauritzen, has a cushioned floor and is inside a safety fence.
Quiet Pathways
Beautiful pathways wind throughout our campus. Most are accessible. We invite you to enjoy the pathways for quiet walks, meditation, and exercise in a natural setting.
Native Flower Pollinator Gardens
Pollinators are responsible for assisting over 80% of the world’s flowering plants to reproduce. Without them, humans and wildlife wouldn’t have much to eat or look at! Our Lay Weeders fill and tend our various gardens with native and pollinator-friendly flowers and grasses.
Our Building Accommodations
Pomegranate Gift Shop
When you’re looking for a special gift, inspirational and spiritual gifts, make sure Pomegranate Gift Shop is your first stop. Here is where you will find a variety of faith-based merchandise at reasonable prices, from bibles and devotional materials, gifts for new babies, baptism, confirmation, and wedding presents, to greeting cards, jewelry, children’s items, and more. Proceeds are donated to our various ministries inside and outside the church. Plus, Pomegranate is staffed by volunteers before and after each worship service. If you are interested in volunteering in the gift shop, contact us.
The Church Sanctuary/Nave
Our primary worship services are held in this extraordinary, hallowed place. In addition to worship, this is a beautiful place for weddings and funerals, lectures, large choir rehearsals, and more. Seats 600.
The All Saints Chapel
Our intimate chapel seats 70 and features breathtaking stained glass windows.
The Undercroft (Basement)
This large, open space seats 200 at tables. There are nine classrooms along the sides, and a separate activity room with a movie screen that can accommodate large tables or 75 chairs arranged theater seating style.
Mustard Seed Café Catering Kitchen
This kitchen in the Undercroft offers a professional-grade refrigerator, range, cooktop, and dishwasher. There is a serving window and set of warming trays, too.
The Parlor
Our Parlor is used for bridal parties and family gathering around funerals, and for some of our prayer and pastoral support groups. It has a private bathroom.
The Retreat Center
This separate building at the back of the church property is a warm and cozy place for meetings of up to 50 people. It offers a full kitchen, fireplace, smart television, and WIFI. It can be rented by the hour for day and can sleep 20 to accommodate overnight use.
The Retreat Center Kitchen
The kitchen in the Retreat Center has two ranges, two dishwashers, and a large refrigerator. There is no additional charge for using the kitchen when the Retreat Center is rented. There are dishes and silverware for 50.
The Choir/Music Room
The Choir Room is available for community and professional choirs and musicians to use as a rehearsal space. It has chairs for 40 musicians. Both the Chapel and the Sanctuary/Nave are available for concerts.
All Saints Library
We offer an extensive collection of more than 2,000 volumes and media resources in our library, located downstairs. We are always interested in book donations and in volunteer librarians. Contact us.
Behind the Scenes
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, follow us on Facebook or Twitter, or check back on this page each week or so to find a new brief video that tells you why we do what we do, explores the history and theology of an element of our liturgy, travels our building and campus to discover their treasures, or just tries to make sense of some of the seemingly quirky things Episcopalians do!